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Tribal Gaming Management

This is a one year certificate program offered on the Omak campus that is designed to prepare individuals for a management career in the regulatory sector of the tribal gaming industry. The regulatory/compliance sector of the tribal gaming industry is charged with providing the oversight, security and regulation of the industry as mandated by federal, state, local and tribal laws. The program's skill set blends business applications of math and English, computer proficiency, basic business principles and special topics related to tribal law and jurisdictional issues. A graduate of the program may have potential employment opportunities within 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College's district with the Colville Confederated Tribes casinos and gaming enterprises and with other gaming and casino operations throughout the state. To receive the Tribal Gaming Management certificate, students must earn a cumulative 2.0 grade point average. English and mathematics courses require qualifying assessment scores or acceptable preparatory coursework.

The entire certificate can be applied toward an associate of technical science degree in either general business or accounting technology.


Follow these links to Workforce Explorer to see employment information for occupations related to this program: gaming manager.